Menopause Allies with Over The Bloody Moon


12:30 – 13:30 – Thursday 4 August 2022
Online Via Teams

Over the Bloody Moon is a leading menopause consultancy who will talk to us about the menopause transition and how you can better support colleagues or a partner. Lesley is here today to help managers feel more confident and equipped to support those negatively impacted by menopause. By being more aware of the signs, we can help others join the dots and respond in an appropriate and empathetic way.

Please email the Wellness Working Group if you would like a link to the event: [email protected]

Professor Chris Williams Helping you – and your constituents Live Life to the Full


Thursday 26th May – 10am – 11am

Living life to the Full (LLTTF) is one of the UK’s most popular wellbeing resources, and is widely recommended in health, social care and charity settings. A free access site at provides online wellbeing skills, and courses to help those living with stress and low mood,  long-term physical health problems including long-covid, new parents and others. It helps people to understand their feelings, and learn key life skills based on the popular and evidence-based cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) approach.

Award-winning author Professor Chris Williams, Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Glasgow, and twice past-President of BABCP – the lead body for CBT in the UK,  will give an overview of the resources, and how they can be used to support your constituents, your families, friends and ourselves.  Dr Williams is also Director of Five Areas Ltd which has developed a range of widely recommended wellbeing resources. He is an award-winning author and his books, classes and websites are widely used in the UK, Ireland, and North America. The free-access life skills course is the most recommended CBT product in NHS England IAPT services and mental health trusts (Bennion et al, 2017 BMJ Open). His work has been translated into Somali, French, Chinese, Italian, Urdu, Ukrainian and Romanian, as well as six other languages.  Contact details for Professor Williams are below.

To register for the meeting, please email [email protected]

Mental Health First Aid drop-in session for Members and Members’ staff


Please note that links to the old Parliamentary intranet have been removed as of October 2023. Please use search on ParliNet to find relevant current details, if available.

Do you know how to support your own mental health and that of your team? Have you seen an increase in the number of constituents and colleagues who are presenting with mental health concerns and would you know where to signpost them if you needed to?

Organised by Tracey Crouch MP and the Members’ Services Team, Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) England will be hosting a taster morning in Attlee Suite from 9am-1pm on 19 May 2022 to explore what you need to support yours and others’ mental health and wellbeing.

See here for full details.

Important date of 28 April 2022, for non-recent cases of bullying and harassment 


It has been a year since Alison Stanley wrote her 18 month independent review of the Independent Complaints and Grievance Scheme (ICGS), and 28 of her 33 recommendations have now been implemented. This is in large part due to the hard work of the ICGS team. We have created the new ICGS Hub, we are recruiting more investigators, and we have made the complaints process more streamlined and accessible.  

An important recommendation implemented in April 2021 was the agreed time limit for non-recent cases of bullying and harassment. Up until 28 April 2022, there will be no time limit on lodging non-recent cases (this has applied since non-recent cases were eligible under the scheme in October 2019). This has ensured that long-standing complaints that had not previously been addressed, such as the case of John Bercow, could be investigated.  

However, as agreed in both Houses, from 28 April 2022, there will be a time limit of one year from when the bullying and harassment incident (or the latest of those incidents) happened. This is to ensure investigations are conducted in a timely manner, and that evidence can be collected efficiently. After the ICGS opened to non-recent complaints, colleagues did come forward to have their non-recent complaints addressed through the ICGS. Almost three years later, this has naturally tapered off. In the past six months, all complaints were about recent experiences. 

It is extremely important that, if you want to make a complaint concerning bullying and harassment that happened more than one year ago, you should phone the helpline before 28 April 2022.  

For anyone experiencing sexual misconduct, it can take a long time to come to process that behaviour, and so there will continue to be no time limit placed on complaints of sexual misconduct.  

These changes do not apply in respect of complaints about the behaviour of members of the House of Lords or their staff. These complaints are dealt with under the Lords Code of Conduct, which states that complaints must usually be made within six years of the conduct complained of. 

You can call the independent ICGS helpline anonymously and as many times as you need, to ask for advice and information. You can also make a formal complaint about behaviour that you have experienced. Your calls will be treated confidentially and empathetically. For more information please visit the ICGS hub. Former members of the parliamentary community can visit the UK Parliament website for further information.  

The helpline is there for all of us. Please use it. 

Jo Willows, 

ICGS Director 

Mindfulness Course for Members


New six-week online mindfulness course for Members starts next Wednesday 23 February, 8.30-9.30am.

Sessions will take place every Wednesday 8.30-9.30am for six weeks (from Wednesday 23 February to Wednesday 30 March).

The course will be delivered by Awaris, leading mindfulness training provider and sessions will take place online via Zoom.

To book your place email Lydia Smith on [email protected]

Time to Talk Day 2022


To mark Time to Talk day this year, we will be running a series of events from Thursday 3 February. Over five days we will hear from colleagues across Parliament, who will share their experience of living with a mental health problem.

Join our Time to Talk Day campaign and let’s start talking about mental health:

  • Thursday 3: Anxiety. Online live session, 10.30-11am
  • Friday 4: Burnout. Blog Post
  • Monday 7: Depression. Online live session, 10.30-11am and Blog Post.
  • Tuesday 8: Bulimia. Online live session,10.30-11am
  • Wednesday 9: Having conversations about mental health. Online live session, 10.30-11am.

To sign-up email [email protected] or visit the H&W Learning Hub.

If you are on the Estate tomorrow (Thursday 3 February 2022), come and visit our Wellbeing Stall in Portcullis House Atrium to find out more about the wellbeing services available

WWG – Talk from Hope Virgo on Eating Disorders


Thursday 20th January at 2pm

Hope Virgo is an Author, Founder of #DumpThe Scales Campaign and a multi award winning international leading advocate for people with eating disorders as well as being a recognised media spokesperson, having appeared on various platforms including BBC Newsnight, Victoria Derbyshire, Good Morning Britain, Sky News and BBC News.

For four years, Hope managed to keep her eating disorder hidden, keeping dark secrets from friends and family. But then, on 17th November 2007, Hope’s world changed forever. She was admitted to a mental health hospital. Her skin was yellowing, her heart was failing, she was barely recognizable. Forced to leave her family and friends, the hospital became her home. Over the next year, at her lowest ebb, Hope faced the biggest challenge of her life. She had to find the courage to beat her anorexia.

In today’s session you will hear a harrowing but inspiring story of recovery, get practical advice on how to manage your wellbeing and know how to talk to those around you who may be impacted by eating disorders.  


To register for this event, please email [email protected]

Working Mind Six Week Online Mindfulness Course – starts 20 January


As we approach the new year, many of us will be looking ahead at the next 12 months, setting new year’s resolutions, and vowing to make positive changes in our lives. This new year, why not resolve to be more mindful for 2022?

Mindfulness promotes resilience and wellbeing. It can help us to manage change and uncertainty, which will be particularly valuable as we navigate the unknowns of the new year.

We invite you to take part in the Working Mind six-week mindfulness course, open to members’ staff of either House. Sessions will take place every Thursday 12-1pm from 20 January to 24 February. Book your place via ACTor email [email protected]

The six-week course is an opportunity to experience the principles and practices of mindfulness, and explore how mindfulness can help you thrive inside and outside of the workplace. The course will be delivered by Awaris and will take place online via Zoom.

Not sure if mindfulness is for you? A Mindfulness Taster session will take place on Wednesday 12 January, 9.30-10am. This workshop will introduce you to mindfulness as a way of reclaiming your attention and developing greater focus, clarity and wellbeing. It is suitable both as a stand-alone session, and as a taster for those interested in signing up for one of our longer mindfulness courses. Book your place.

For further details about the mindfulness course, please email [email protected]

Managing your Money Worries Webinar -18 January


At this time of year, it is not unusual for many of us to experience financial anxiety or the “January blues”. After all, our spending often goes up during the festive season which can lead to increased financial pressures in the new year. Our finances underpin most areas of our lives and money problems can cause serious issues— even affecting our mental health…

Join us for a financial wellbeing workshop on Tuesday 18 January, 2-3pm. Book your place on the Health & Wellbeing learning hub on ACT or email [email protected]

The session will offer expert, non-judgemental advice on how to manage your money worries. You will learn how financial wellbeing and mental wellbeing are linked—and how to improve both in one fell swoop. The session will also cover:

  • Key facts behind financial wellbeing, and the ways they affect our mental health
  • The emotional impact of money worries, as well as the physical toll
  • Practical tips and advice on managing money, using credit wisely, and being financially aware

The session will be delivered by Joy Whitehead from Health Assured, our EAP provider. If you have any questions about the session email [email protected]

Laughter Workshop – Monday 17 January


Laugh away the January Blues with a laughter workshop, hosted by Lotte Mikkelsen.

You have probably heard the saying that “laughter is the best medicine” – but its more than an old wives tale – laughing can really benefit your health and wellbeing. By laughing we release natural feel-good chemicals into our body, which lower our stress levels and put us in a much more positive frame of mind.

Join us for a laughter workshop on Monday 17 January, 12-12.30pm. You are guaranteed to leave the session feeling reenergised and ready to take on Blue Monday with a smile!  Book your place on the H&W learning hub or email [email protected]

The session will be hosted by Lotte Mikklesen, leading laughter yoga expert. Lotte has worked with clients such as Google, Barclays and the NHS, and has also featured several times on ITV