Join the Labour Women’s Parliamentary Staff network in an online Q&A with the Rt. Hon. Lucy Powell M.P. on Tuesday 4 February 2025.
For further information and to learn more about the LWPSN, please see here:
If you’re an MP’s staff member with responsibility for casework, you may be interested in joining the online Caseworker Form, organised by the Members’ and Members’ Staff Services Team. To join, please email [email protected] from your parliamentary email account, giving the details of who you work for, and they will add you.
Each month, there is a Caseworker Forum Q&A session led by the House of Commons Library, which discusses topics of interest to MPs’ staff. To view the upcoming schedule and sign up for the sessions, please see here:
The ICO is hosting a webinar for Members’ staff on Constituency Casework Data and Dissolution on Thursday 7 March from 2pm.
There will be an open Q&A session where you can ask any questions on this subject.
To attend, please visit this page and then follow the link to register:
Time: 10:30 – 11:30
Date: Thursday 16 November 2023
Location: Online via MS Teams
With Sally Lipscombe from the Library’s Home Affairs Section and Hannah Cromarty from the Social Policy Section.
To book and view other Caseworker Discussion Q&A sessions, please visit ACT:
Time: 10:30 – 11:30
Date: Thursday 20 July 2023
Location: Online via MS Teams
England and Wales focus, signposting organisations in Scotland and NI
With Lorraine Conway from the Library’s Home Affairs Section
To book and view other Caseworker Discussion Q&A sessions, please visit ACT:
All MP’s Staff Q&A Session
Time: 10:00 – 11:00
Date: Thursday 2 February 2023
Location: Online via MS Teams
We are delighted to welcome Natasha Saunders who will be joining us for our February All Staff Q&A Session.
Natasha is a law changer, conversation starter and motivational speaker but it hasn’t always been that way. After 8 years of a wide range of Domestic Abuse, she has become the voice she needed to hear when she was trapped. Domestic Abuse is everyone’s problem and she invites you to hear her lived experience and how you can not only support those around you but possibly save a life too.
If you have any questions about this session please contact [email protected]

Have you visited the House of Commons Library Help Hub Community yet?
The Help Hub Community is a forum where caseworkers can ask each other questions, share experiences and provide advice. They also run regular ‘ask the expert sessions’ with Library specialists.
MPs’ Staff should have been sent an email inviting them to join the community. If you haven’t received one, please contact [email protected] and they will sign you up and send you a link.
The House of Commons Library organises regular talks on topical issues, delivered by subject specialists. You can view the list of both forthcoming and past talks here:
Past House of Commons Library Talks are also available in audio format on the UK Parliament YouTube Channel.