

Exclusive webinar for MPs’ staff

  • Boosting financial wellbeing one step at a time
  • A free MoneyHelper webinar for MPs’ staff
  • Monday 6 November, 14.00-15.00
  • Register and more details

During Talk Money Week, MoneyHelper (brought to you by the Money and Pensions Service) is hosting an exclusive webinar to support MP’s staff to have better conversations with constituents about money. Our financial wellbeing experts will help you:

  • Discover how to navigate conversations about money.
  • Learn how MoneyHelper can assist with your constituents’ queries on issues like housing, money, debt, and pensions.
  • Empower your constituents with tools to help enhance their financial wellbeing.

Whether you’re a seasoned expert or new to an MP’s office, the free MoneyHelper webinar will help you guide your constituents to make more informed financial decisions. Secure your spot and register today!

ParliAble panel discussion for World Mental Health Day


1pm today.

Today (10th October) is World Mental Health Day

ParliAble, one of the fantastic Workplace Equality Networks in Parliament is hosting a panel discussion event to mark this important campaign. Details below!

Join us online for an exciting panel for World Mental Health Day on Tuesday 10th October at 1pm.

The panel is chaired by Dixsha Patel, ParliAble Treasurer. It will include personal experience of mental health, two wonderful keynote speakers from NHS occupational psychologist and finally joined by Samuel from the parliamentary health and wellbeing service.

To join the meeting, please email [email protected]

British Liver Trust


A Wellness Working Group event

Time: 11:00 – 12:00
Date: Monday 16 October 2023
Location: Online

Please join us to hear the British Liver Trust talk about the work they do, the huge rise in liver disease and liver cancer and the crisis in access to services. We will also learn about the risk factors of liver disease for ourselves, our family and our constituents.

The British Liver trust provide vital advice to help people improve their liver health. They provide the public and patients with up to date information and support, including a free nurse-led helpline and online community, as well as delivering awareness campaigns such as the Love Your Liver Campaign, which seeks to raise awareness of the major risk factors that can cause liver damage and encourage those who are at risk to get tested. It includes:

  • a free online screener that assesses whether you are at risk of liver disease and provides information on what to do if you are
  • a year round awareness campaign with the media and through promotional displays
  • Love Your Liver community screening events held in association with local liver clinicians around the UK

Estelle, Tom & Lisa

The Wellness Working Group

rsvp to [email protected]

Behind the Scenes with the Official Report


During the summer recess, the Official Report (Hansard) is offering Members’ staff an opportunity to learn how parliamentary proceedings are edited in the Official Report.

Spend an hour and a half with us and find out:

  • How Hansard reporters and editors publish MPs’ speeches
  • Which debates are read the most by constituents and how to share parliamentary contributions online
  • Who to contact with queries about the Official Report and where to read speeches before publication

We finish with a tour of the Hansard offices and the Press Gallery.

We will be holding sessions on the parliamentary estate during the summer recess on Wednesday 26 and Thursday 27 July, as well as on Tuesday 1 and Wednesday 2 August.

We welcome all Members’ staff and any questions they may have!

For more information and to book a place, please contact [email protected]

Virtual Talk: Andy’s Man Club


The Wellness Working Group‘s next guest speaker will be Oli Vikse from Andy’s Man Club.

Time: 11:00 – 12:00
Date: Thursday 29 June 2023
Location: Online via Teams

Oli Vikse – Project Development Champion, Andy Man Club

Please join us to hear Oli talk about ANDY’S MAN CLUB

Andy’s Man Club has over 120 free support groups nationwide, running every Monday from 7PM except bank holidays. In these groups, men can open up about the storms affecting their lives in a safe, judgement-free and non-clinical environment. The clubs are designed to be free of pressure, there is no obligation for men to speak, they can simply listen if they wish. With over 2800 men using the sessions every week, and an army of 900+ volunteers on board, the movement is continuing to grow week-by-week. Andy’s Man Club firmly believe in the power of talking and that #ItsOkayToTalk.

For love nor money? Protect yourself and others from economic abuse


Health and Wellbeing event

Rachael Partleton is a campaigner, advocate, and survivor of economic abuse. You will discover: the subtle warning signs of economic abuse and it’s devastating impact; the differences between purely financial compared with economic abuse; what we can do to protect ourselves, and how to help others and learn how to guard your finances for the long term.

Time: 10:30 – 11:30
Date: Tuesday 27 June 2023
Location: Online via Teams

British Society for Rheumatology Parliamentary Drop-In: New research shows cost savings from growing rheumatology workforce


Time: 14:00 – 16:00
Date: Tuesday 13 June 2023
Location: Room T, Portcullis House

We would be delighted if you were able to join us at our parliamentary drop-in to launch our new research on the cost effectiveness of growing the rheumatology workforce.

Our new research shows growing the rheumatology workforce, in line with our People We Need recommendations, would make meaningful differences in the lives of newly diagnosed rheumatoid arthritis patients.

  • The overall societal and health costs of RA would be reduced by an estimated £50 million over 5 years.
  • Critical diagnostic and treatment delays would be reduced by enabling patients to access needed timely specialist when it matters the most.
  • Patient health outcomes would be improved at a minimal cost of £152 per incident RA patient over 5 years. In the first year, the NHS would realise a cost-savings of 3.4 million due to reduced need for additional treatment and complications including surgery.

You will have the opportunity, over coffee and tea, to chat with clinicians and people living with rheumatic conditions about the findings and their experiences of rheumatology care.

If you are unable to attend but would like to know more about the rheumatology workforce pledge and access resources to raise these issues in parliament (including parliamentary questions), please contact me or visit our campaign page here.

Improving the management and wellbeing of political staffers:insights from Prime Minister’s Advisers in the UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand


A Wellness Working Group online event.

Presenter: Dr Jennifer Lees-Marshment University of Auckland, New Zealand
Time: 11:00 – 12:00
Date: Thursday 8 June 2023
Location: Online via Teams

This presentation will present suggestions for how to improve the management and wellbeing of political staffers, drawing on research conducted in 2022-23 through interviews with political practitioners, including 66 advisers for Prime Ministers Scott Morrison, Justin Trudeau, Boris Johnson and Jacinda Ardern.

It will discuss best practice recommendations made by experienced staffers who have worked in Prime Ministerial offices in Australia, Canada, the UK and New Zealand. These include clearer orientation, more relevant and ongoing training, as well as training of those involved in managing, effective and positive feedback to create and office culture, and the use of tools to constrain workloads, maintain motivation and support wellbeing.

This will be of interest to existing staffers, prospective special advisers, and anyone who may aspire to, or find themselves in the position of managing other staffers/colleagues.

To receive an invitation to the event, please email [email protected]

Wellness Working Group – Clarke Carlisle (ex-England Footballer & Pundit)


Time: 10:00 – 11:00
Date: Tuesday 9 May 2023
Location: Online via Teams

Clarke Carlisle will join the Wellness Working Group to talk about mental health and his journey.

Not only is Clarke a pundit on shows such as Match of the Day, Sky Sport and ITV Sport, he has appeared on Question Time and presented documentaries about racism and suicide in football.  Clark is also an ambassador for the Kick It Out scheme, which campaigns for inclusion and equality in football.  He is also currently on the Management Committee of the Professional Footballers’ Association (PFA).

If you would like to join this talk, please email [email protected] for a link

Vote Office Open Days


The Vote Office is running Open Days on Thursday 4th May and Friday 5th May.  

Visit the Main Vote Office where one of our team members will welcome you and help you with:

  • A tour of our offices & printing facilities 
  • Details on what happens in the Vote Office every day
  • Opportunity to ask any questions you may have about Parliamentary and Government publications 

There is no need to register in advance. Come and meet us in the Vote Office between 8am-3pm.