For love nor money? Protect yourself and others from economic abuse


Health and Wellbeing event

Rachael Partleton is a campaigner, advocate, and survivor of economic abuse. You will discover: the subtle warning signs of economic abuse and it’s devastating impact; the differences between purely financial compared with economic abuse; what we can do to protect ourselves, and how to help others and learn how to guard your finances for the long term.

Time: 10:30 – 11:30
Date: Tuesday 27 June 2023
Location: Online via Teams

Improving the management and wellbeing of political staffers:insights from Prime Minister’s Advisers in the UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand


A Wellness Working Group online event.

Presenter: Dr Jennifer Lees-Marshment University of Auckland, New Zealand
Time: 11:00 – 12:00
Date: Thursday 8 June 2023
Location: Online via Teams

This presentation will present suggestions for how to improve the management and wellbeing of political staffers, drawing on research conducted in 2022-23 through interviews with political practitioners, including 66 advisers for Prime Ministers Scott Morrison, Justin Trudeau, Boris Johnson and Jacinda Ardern.

It will discuss best practice recommendations made by experienced staffers who have worked in Prime Ministerial offices in Australia, Canada, the UK and New Zealand. These include clearer orientation, more relevant and ongoing training, as well as training of those involved in managing, effective and positive feedback to create and office culture, and the use of tools to constrain workloads, maintain motivation and support wellbeing.

This will be of interest to existing staffers, prospective special advisers, and anyone who may aspire to, or find themselves in the position of managing other staffers/colleagues.

To receive an invitation to the event, please email

Managing Workplace Stress for MPs Staff – new training course


A brand new training course from the Members’ Services Team.

The first presentation will be on Tuesday 13 June 2023.

For further information and booking, please visit (parliamentary network account required)

Course Overview

  • Learn how to recognize the symptoms and triggers of stress in the workplace. 
  • Learning coping strategies and self-care techniques for dealing with stress. 
  • Learn how to support co-workers who are under stress. 
  • Learn techniques to manage pressure and improve resilience to stress. 
  • Learn how to set boundaries in the workplace. (E.g. how to communicate when your workload is too high to take anything else on, how to communicate you need a break after a stressful interaction) 
  • Learn how to access available support services.

Wellness Working Group – Clarke Carlisle (ex-England Footballer & Pundit)


Time: 10:00 – 11:00
Date: Tuesday 9 May 2023
Location: Online via Teams

Clarke Carlisle will join the Wellness Working Group to talk about mental health and his journey.

Not only is Clarke a pundit on shows such as Match of the Day, Sky Sport and ITV Sport, he has appeared on Question Time and presented documentaries about racism and suicide in football.  Clark is also an ambassador for the Kick It Out scheme, which campaigns for inclusion and equality in football.  He is also currently on the Management Committee of the Professional Footballers’ Association (PFA).

If you would like to join this talk, please email for a link

ParliGender Event: Menopause Awareness in the Workplace with Caroline Nokes MP


Time: 12:30 – 13:30
Date: Tuesday 18 April 2023
Location: Online via Teams

Caroline Nokes is a Member of Parliament (Romsey and Southampton North) and is the Chair of the Women and Equalities Committee which has recently published a report on menopause and the workplace. The report noted that too many people experiencing menopause have struggled with societal stigma, inadequate diagnosis and treatment, workplace detriment and discrimination, and that whilst things are changing there is still a long way to go. Her talk will reflect on the report’s findings.

For further information, please email

Financial Wellbeing – a talk by the Money and Pension service (MaPS)


Financial Wellbeing: a talk by Victoria Copeland, Regional Partnerships Manager, Money and Pension service (MaPS)

Time: 14:30 – 15:30
Date: Thursday 16 March 2023
Location: Online via Teams

The Money and Pension Service is working to improve financial outcomes for everyone living and working in the UK. Through our MoneyHelper service we offer free impartial information guidance and support for all kinds of money questions from pocket money to pensions.

As a regional manager Victoria works with a variety of organisations including local government, financial services, employers, charities and advice providers to support their financial wellbeing strategies for residents, customers, staff, members and service users.

Victoria has been with MaPS for three years. Prior to working for this statutory body I worked in business development in the commercial sector including in my own business, in publishing and logistics. I bring thirty years lived experience to the role as well as a keen interest in supporting financial wellbeing in a workplace setting.

To register, please email

Health Kiosk in Richmond House


Please note that links to the old Parliamentary intranet have been removed as of October 2023. Please use search on ParliNet to find relevant current details, if available.

A Health Kiosk has been installed in the ground floor Richmond House Community Hub. It’s available to use 24/7, at a time that is most convenient to you and is available for all passholders to use.

What is it? Have a look at this short video:

For further information on the Health Kiosk, please see this intranet page

Casework Discussion Forum – Wellbeing – looking after yourself and others


Time: 10:30 – 11:30
Date: Thursday 26 January 2023
Location: Online

The Library, in conjunction with the Members’ Services Team, is pleased to invite you to the Casework Discussion Forum which will take place virtually each month.

Wellbeing – looking after yourself and others
Led by the Member Services Team.

Booking required:

Domestic Abuse Awareness


All MP’s Staff Q&A Session

Time: 10:00 – 11:00
Date: Thursday 2 February 2023
Location: Online via MS Teams

We are delighted to welcome Natasha Saunders who will be joining us for our February All Staff Q&A Session.

Natasha is a law changer, conversation starter and motivational speaker but it hasn’t always been that way. After 8 years of a wide range of Domestic Abuse, she has become the voice she needed to hear when she was trapped. Domestic Abuse is everyone’s problem and she invites you to hear her lived experience and how you can not only support those around you but possibly save a life too.

If you have any questions about this session please contact