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Members’ Staff Annual Conference 2025
The Members and Members’ Staff Services Team (MMSST) invites you to attend the first ever Members’ Staff Annual Conference. The event will take place on Wednesday 19 March 2025, and will be a hybrid event with spaces available to attend in-person (Portcullis House) and online via Teams. The conference will spotlight the crucial role that Members’ staff…
Are you making the most of POST?
The Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST) produces a wide range of reliable and impartial scientific research for Parliament. Recent articles include: To see the full range of research topics, please visit
Updated Changes to Members’ staff security vetting
In May 2024, the House of Commons Commission endorsed a number of changes to vetting policies, including that all Members’ staff funded by IPSA must be security cleared and this will come into force on 1 April 2025. Please see this news article for further information: and also this w4mp guide to security clearance…
How Can I Become an MS in Wales?
Are you preparing for selection or candidacy to be an MS? Elect Her is running two “How Can I Become an MS in Wales?” workshops in February. Date – Thursday 20th February Time – 12-1.30pm and/ or 7pm – 8.15 pm Join us, hear current MS’s explain what it is like to stand, win and be…
ElectHer One-to-One Support
Elect Her wants to give you the personal space and time you need, to ask us anything about your journey to elected office so we can signpost you directly to resources and opportunities that we and our partners have in place. Do you have questions you’d like to ask about how to get started, what…
Members’ staff Networking Event
Time: 14:30 – 16:30Date: Monday 24 February 2025Location: Attlee Suite, Portcullis House The Members and Members’ staff Services Team (MMSST) invites all Members’ staff to attend the first All Members’ Staff Networking Event of 2025. The event is an opportunity for you to connect with fellow Members’ staff and meet colleagues from the services that…
How the Library can help you with casework – Caseworker Discussion Forum
The guest speakers at the February Caseworker Discussion Forum will be from the House of Commons Library, covering FAQ pages, online resources, requesting information and more. Time: 14:30 – 15:30Date: Thursday 13 February 2025Location: Online via MS TeamsBooking:
LAST CHANCE TO RESPOND: MPs’ Staff Survey of Well-being 2024-2025
The Wellness Working Group is excited to once again share with you the now Annual WWG Survey of Staff working for Members of Parliament You may remember that the Wellness Working Group undertakes this important anonymous survey of MPs staff to better understand the pressures and effects that our jobs have on our wellbeing. We…
Candidate Clinic
Elect Her is inviting any women preparing for selection to come to a drop in space, where we can get to know you and support you. We are offering this as an opportunity so we can understand what you need help and support with. Whatever it is you need come and join us and our…
How can I become an MSP?
Elect Her is running two “How Can I Become an MSP?” workshops in February. Times: 12:00 – 13:30 and 19:00 – 20:15Date: Thursday 5 February Join us, hear current MSP’s explain what it is like to stand, win and be in office and find out more!