BGIPU Annual Charity Quiz


Time: 18:00
Date: Monday 9 September 2024
Location: Bellamy’s Café

BGIPU will be hosting the Annual Charity Quiz on Monday 9th September in Bellamy’s café from 1800.

This is open to all members and parliamentary staff, teams are up to 6 people, but individuals can also attend.

Entrance is £5pp going to charity, there will be prizes for the winners and drinks and snacks provided.

People wishing to attend should contact Rhiannon Edwards at

Members’ Office Managers Induction – Welcome to Parliament


All new office managers are strongly advised to book in on an induction session.

Time: 13:00 – 16:00
Date: Thursday 8 August 2024
Location: Online via Teams

Time: 13:00 – 16:00
Date: Tuesday 20 August 2024
Location: Parliament, in person

Time: 13:00 – 16:00
Date: Thursday 5 September 2024
Location: Online via Teams

Time: 13:00 – 16:00
Date: Tuesday 17 September 2024
Location: Parliament, In Person

The session will include:

  • Getting Started
  • Standard Culture and Care
  • Safety and Security

By the end of the session you will:

  • Have an understanding of the what managing a Members’ Office entails
  • Give you an awareness of Teams across the House and what they can offer to assist you in your role.

To sign up for the course, please go to or, if you don’t have a network account yet, please email

Concerns relating to Health Assured


The BBC has reported claims that corporate clients of Health Assured, the provider of the staff Employee Assistance Programme, listened in to confidential helpline calls without the knowledge or permission of callers. You can read the House response to this on ParliNet, with contact details for those who need further advice or guidance.

Pathways to Parliament: UK Parliament Work Experience


Do you know anyone aged between 14 and 18 who is interested in the work of Parliament? The Learning and Careers team have partnered with one of the UK’s leading providers for online work experience, Springpod, to run a 3 month on demand virtual work experience programme.

The programme is now live until the 6th of October 2024. Click here to enrol and more information. Please share with anyone who may be interested

MP Office Manual Published

Setting up your office

Between June 2023 to June 2024 a cross-party group of civic technologists worked together to create the MP Office Manual. They are all keen to see MPs with well run offices contributing to a flourishing democracy in the UK.

You can read it at

The proposals in the manual come from in-depth interviews with current and former MPs office staff and expert advice from 30+ practitioners, allied with a survey of staff members and a review of current literature including all past guides and examples found on w4mp, Hansard Society, and Parliament.

We hope you find it useful – and if you have any suggestions for improving it please get in touch.

Who’s Standing?


A fascinating blog post from Democracy Club where they have analysed their data on the 4,515 parliamentary candidates standing for election on July 4. Read the full details on their website, but some highlights include

  • 30% of candidates are female. The majority of candidates were born in the 1960s or 1970s; the average year of birth is 1973.
  • 73% of candidates have recent electoral experience. 57% have stood for parliament since 2010, and 36% have stood in a council election since 2016.
  • 550 former MPs are standing for election. 1,055 candidates have recent (2018-present) experience as a councillor.

And, crucially, the preferred biscuit of general election candidates is the Digestive, closely followed by Hobnobs. There is a 52/48% split in favour of non-chocolate over chocolate biscuits.

NHS organisations and their inter-relationships – Caseworker Discussion Forum


Time: 10:30 – 11:30
Date: Thursday 13 June 2024
Location: Virtual via Microsoft Teams

The June 2024 forum will be on the topic of NHS organisations and their inter-relationships. It will be led by Tom Powell from the Library’s Social Policy Section.

Please go here to book:

Sorting out your digital profile


We’ve spotted a useful article on LinkedIn by Laura Dunn, which talks about what MPs or staff who are leaving Parliament should do to tidy up their digital profiles and prepare for what comes next.

You can read the whole thing on LinkedIn here but highlights include

  • make sure you have updated your social media profiles to reflect your employment change. Edit to ‘former MP’ or ‘former staffer’
  • Unhook your parliamentary email from your social media accounts and link to a personal email or set one up just for social media
  • Invest in new photos
  • put together a digital portfolio/website

Help with childcare costs – Caseworker Discussion Forum



Time: 14:00 – 15:00
Date: Wednesday 22 May 2024

The May 2024 forum will be on the topic of Help with childcare costs. It will be led by David Foster and Niamh Foley from the Library’s Social Policy Section.

To book, please go here: