Introduction to PolicyMogul – webinar


Webinar for parliamentary teams

Date: Wednesday, 8 March 2023
Time: 2.00pm – 2.45pm
Venue: Online

This online webinar is your chance to learn about the value that PolicyMogul provides for parliamentarians and their staff.

As well as an overview of the platform’s features, we will highlight some best practices related to getting the most out of the platform. Session includes Q&A.

PolicyMogul is the essential online tool used by UK parliamentarians and their teams to stay up to date with the latest political updates and intelligence related to their work and responsibilities.

Platform features include:

  • Political monitoring tailored to your interests
  • Customisable email updates with relevant political developments
  • Access to briefing material
  • Question and letter-writing assistant powered by AI
  • Analytics dashboard

Make the Most of the Commons Library


Join the Library Team for a short session to learn how the Library can support your work. These sessions are ideal for those who have recently started working for a Member or if you simply want a refresher in how to use Library resources.

The resources they cover will help you in your policy, research and casework.

By the end of the session you will be able to:

  • Find and use key Library products including briefing papers, casework articles and data dashboards.
  • Keep up to date with the latest research and developments through our email alerts
  • Know how to use the Library request service
  • Access our online services such as Nexis news and Grantfinder

The sessions are delivered over MS Teams by Library colleagues who all have extensive experience of working with Members and their staff.

To book, click here:
Note: you must be logged into the Parliamentary intranet to access the course booking system.

  • 3 March 2023 – 10:30 – 12:00
  • 11 April 2023 – 14:00 – 15:30
  • 17 May 2023 – 10:30 – 12:00
  • 15 June 2023 – 14:00 – 15:30
  • 10 July 2023 – 10:30 – 12:00

Useful new guides from the Commons Library


The House of Commons Library website contains a wealth of information which is of use not only to Members of Parliament and their staff, but are also accessible by members of the public.

The latest guides to be published are:

You can find more constituency casework guides here:

Accessing Health Records – Commons Library Constituency Casework Briefing


Information for anyone attempting to gain access their own, or somebody else’s, medical records.

Accessing health records is now always as simple as putting in a Subject Access Request under the Data Protection Act 2018. Sometimes, other legislation also comes into play depending upon the circumstances.

Read the Commons Library Constituency Casework Briefing to find out more:



PolicyMogul is rolling out a free political monitoring and research platform to all parliamentarians and staff
PolicyMogul is a political monitoring and research platform that helps MPs and their staff stay on top of political developments and avoid missing important information from constituents and others.

Many MPs and their staff are actively using the free service.

Please see further details here:

PolicyMogul – a free political monitoring and research platform


PolicyMogul is rolling out a free political monitoring and research platform to all parliamentarians and staff

PolicyMogul is a political monitoring and research platform that helps MPs and their staff stay on top of political developments and avoid missing important information from constituents and others. 

Many MPs and their staff are actively using the free service. Learn more and access your account

This resource will help in the preparation of debates, meetings and constituency work, and includes up-to-the minute developments, tailored to your MP’s interests, such as:

  • Updates from government departments and all official sources
  • Extracts from Hansard
  • Material from the House of Commons Library
  • Consultations from the government and elsewhere
  • Tweets from other parliamentarians and political commentators
  • Policy asks and briefing material from charities and other organisations

Your account has already been prepared based on the known interests of all parliamentarians. By default you will receive a daily summary at 9am of all relevant news. The frequency and subject matter of alerts can be adjusted at any time.

You can access your account here

A short introduction to equality law – Commons Library Research Briefing


This new briefing from the Commons Library provides an overview of equality law, summarising the main concepts and the role of the Equality and Human Rights Commission.

You can find the full briefing here:

The Equality Act 2010

The Equality Act 2010 consolidates most equality law into one Act. It prohibits conduct and creates duties in relation to ‘protected characteristics’. There are nine protected characteristics, listed in section 4 of the Act, ranging from age through to sexual orientation.

The Act prohibits direct and indirect discrimination, and harassment and victimisation. It also prohibits discrimination in relation to something arising from a person’s disability, and creates a duty to make reasonable adjustments for disabled people.

The Act applies in various scenarios, including at work, in education and in relation to services and public functions.

Public authorities are subject to a Public Sector Equality Duty. The Duty means they must ‘have due regard’ to equality considerations when exercising public functions.

Except for in Northern Ireland, which has its own equality legislation, equality law is largely reserved to the the UK Parliament. The legal concepts in this briefing apply across England, Wales and Scotland.

The Equality and Human Rights Commission

The Equality and Human Rights Commission was established by the Equality Act 2006, with a duty to promote and encourage understanding of equality and human rights.

Individuals enforce their rights under the Equality Act 2010 before the courts. However, the Commission also has a range of powers at its disposal to enforce equality law at a more institutional level, and often strategically intervenes as a party to litigation if doing so could help develop equality law.