Training: Managing Your Social Media Profile


This is a two-day, in-person course.

This course is about how to get the best out of social media and will have a particular focus on using video as a powerful way of engage and also explore how to manage negative comments and link you to some Parliamentary resources that can support you.

This is a practical course delivered using a combination of trainer presentation and discussions.

Dates: 8 and 9 January 2024
Location: PCH

For further information and to sign up, please go to

Caseworker Discussion Q&A – Dealing with domestic abuse cases


Time: 10:30 – 11:30
Date: Thursday 16 November 2023
Location: Online via MS Teams

With Sally Lipscombe from the Library’s Home Affairs Section and Hannah Cromarty from the Social Policy Section.

To book and view other Caseworker Discussion Q&A sessions, please visit ACT:

Training for Members’ Staff


The Members’ and Members’ Staff Services Team, along with Teams across the House of Commons, provides a wide range of training, learning and development activities that have been developed to support Members’ staff in their different roles and responsibilities.

To see the dates of courses coming up soon, view the Monthly Training Bulletin. You can also find all the training available to Members’ Staff on ACT.

Note: you must have a parliamentary network account and be connected to the network in order to access the above links.

Caseworker Discussion Q&A: Update from the Members’ Services Team


Time: 14:00
Date: Thursday 17 August 2023
Location: Online via Teams

Update from the Members’ Services Team, including:

  • Training – Tom Mitchell, Training & Learning Facilitator, will update the group on the Training Ambassador Network, new starter learning pathways, as well as seeking your ideas and feedback for new training courses.
  • Engagement – Lydia Smith, Engagement Manager, will provide an overview of the engagement programme for the remainder of 2023, including an update on the dissolution roadshow events.
  • Wellbeing – Tanya Harris, Health and Wellbeing Manager, will provide an update about the Employee Assistance Programme – Health Assured.

It is nearly one year since the Casework Discussion Forum launched. We would like to use this session to gather your feedback about the Forum, suggestions on how it can be improved, and ideas for what topics you would like to see covered in 2024.

Caseworker Discussion Q&A – Constituents and dealing with debt


Time: 10:30 – 11:30
Date: Thursday 20 July 2023
Location: Online via MS Teams

England and Wales focus, signposting organisations in Scotland and NI

With Lorraine Conway from the Library’s Home Affairs Section

To book and view other Caseworker Discussion Q&A sessions, please visit ACT:

MP Staff Training: Understanding Stalking & Harassment


Time: 14:00 – 15:30
Date: Tuesday 8 August 2023
Location: Online via Teams
Open to: all Member’s staff.

This course is being run in conjunction with the Fixated Threat Assessment Centre (FTAC).

The session will cover:

  • What is stalking and harassment?
  • What does the law say?
  • Motivations for stalking (inc. 5 Typologies)
  • Impact of stalking and how to manage risk
  • How and Why to report stalking

To book, please visit this link

For love nor money? Protect yourself and others from economic abuse


Health and Wellbeing event

Rachael Partleton is a campaigner, advocate, and survivor of economic abuse. You will discover: the subtle warning signs of economic abuse and it’s devastating impact; the differences between purely financial compared with economic abuse; what we can do to protect ourselves, and how to help others and learn how to guard your finances for the long term.

Time: 10:30 – 11:30
Date: Tuesday 27 June 2023
Location: Online via Teams

Managing Workplace Stress for MPs Staff – new training course


A brand new training course from the Members’ Services Team.

The first presentation will be on Tuesday 13 June 2023.

For further information and booking, please visit (parliamentary network account required)

Course Overview

  • Learn how to recognize the symptoms and triggers of stress in the workplace. 
  • Learning coping strategies and self-care techniques for dealing with stress. 
  • Learn how to support co-workers who are under stress. 
  • Learn techniques to manage pressure and improve resilience to stress. 
  • Learn how to set boundaries in the workplace. (E.g. how to communicate when your workload is too high to take anything else on, how to communicate you need a break after a stressful interaction) 
  • Learn how to access available support services.

Apple webinar


On Thursday 18 May from 9:30-10:30am, Apple are running a webinar for Parliament to demo how you can use the built-in features to set up your device preferences. Here you can learn some incredible accessibility features to help customer your iOS device, such as your iPhone or iPad.

This session will cover features on the below areas:

  • Vision
  • Hearing
  • Physical and Motor
  • Cognitive

There will also be a Q&A section.

To join this session please email the Digital Service Accessibility Champions who will forward on an invitation.

Training: Accessing Publications: Select Committee Reports & Government Publications


Wednesday, 29 Mar 2023, 14:00 – 15:00

Online via MS Teams
Contact: Iliyan Nanchev, 0207 219 0486, [email protected]

Join this Vote Office talk to learn how you can access select committee reports, government papers and other publication material relevant to your work as Members’ staff.

Find out more about how the Topical Updates newsletter can keep you up to date with relevant publications and learn more about the various research tools available to you, including information on the provision of both physical as well as digital copies of reports.

To sign-up, please email [email protected] and you will be added to the attendee list. An MS Teams link will be sent out via email closer to the date.