Digital right to work checks go live


Digital right to work checks were introduced during the coronavirus pandemic to enable employers to continue hiring when face-to-face checks were not possible. This allowed applicants to send ID documents to employers using email, video call, and apps.

From 1 October 2022, UK employers wishing to carry out digital checks must:

  • use identity service providers (IDSPs)
  • keep digital records for two years after an employee leaves employment

Many employers have moved to remote and hybrid working, so the option for secure, digital right to work checks is designed to help make the recruitment process more efficient.

What does this mean for you?

These changes mean that employers will not be allowed to verify ID documents using less secure methods like email or video call after 30 September.

How to check an applicant’s right to work

Right to work checks can be done in three ways:

  • checking the applicant’s original documents (in person)
  • using identity verification technology (IDVT) with an IDSP
  • a Home Office online right to work check

For further information please see the government’s guide on how to check a job applicant’s right to work and guide to right to work checks for employers.

See also

Our guide to foreign nationals working for Members of Parliament

Supporting Suicidal Callers


Join us to learn how to deal with a caller who is talking about suicide.

We are very lucky to be joined by Lorraine Khalaf from the NHS who will be able to share her insight on how to deal with suicidal callers and how to support yourself and your colleagues when dealing with this type of caller.

This event will comprise of a presentation from Lorraine followed by a Q&A session.

We would love to hear from you ahead of the event, so if you have any questions you’d like answering, please email [email protected] and we will pass these to Lorraine to answer on the day

These sessions will take place on

10 October 2022 – 15:00-16:00
26 October 2022 – 15:00-16:00

Please book via ACT on the Parliamentary Intranet – you must have a network account in order to access this training.

Stress Management, Promoting Wellbeing & Work-Life Balance


With Ollie Welsby, Trainer, Brightcore Consultancy
Wednesday 5th October 2022, 11.30am – 12.30pm
Online via Teams

Please join this Wellness Working Group session to gain insight from Ollie as to how to manage our own stress as well as looking at managing our wellbeing in the short and long term.

Ollie will help us understand the biology of stress and how we can identify this in ourselves and others. He will also provide us with coping strategies and how to maintain a work life balance.

To book, please email [email protected]

Forthcoming Commons Library Talks


Details of all forthcoming Commons Library Talks can be found on ACT:
Please note that you must have a parliamentary network account to access ACT.

Topics include:

Help with fire safety remediation work: high rise blocks (England)

Improving the UK’s science capability for managing animal diseases (NAO talk)

The Northern Ireland Protocol Bill

Energy prices, security and market reform

The creation of the UK Infrastructure Bank (NAO talk)

Rising cost of living

An introduction to occupational and personal pensions in the UK

Mental Health reforms in England

Tackling local breaches of air quality (NAO talk)

Understanding and interpreting survey data

Legal aid and other options (England)

Working with charities during the cost-of-living crisis – A guide for MPs


Local and national charities working in your constituency can be a vital partner, providing you with frontline insights, up-to-date data and intelligence, and a reliable place to refer people who need urgent help. You will likely already know the charities in your constituency well, so this guide from NPC is intended to help you focus your work with them. NPC is a think tank and consultancy helping charities, funders, and policy makers to maximise social impact.

You can find the guide here:

Wellbeing – looking after yourself and others


Caseworker Discussion Forum hosted by the Commons Library

The Library, in conjunction with the Members’ Services Team, is pleased to invite you to the Casework Discussion Forum which will take place virtually each month.

The next session is taking place on Thursday 18 August, 9:30-10:30am and will be on the topic of Wellbeing – looking after yourself and others. It will be chaired by Wendy Wilson from the Library.

The Forum will be complemented by a dedicated Teams chat which will allow you to share ideas and best practice, as well as support being on hand from the Library should specialist knowledge be required.

(Please note, you do not have to be a Caseworker to attend these sessions, they are open to any Members’ staff who handle casework.) 

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]

Call for 22/23 Balfour Project Fellowships


The Balfour Project intends to appoint fifteen Balfour Project Peace Advocacy Fellows for the academic year 2022-23. If you are a postgraduate or final year undergraduate student with an interest in Israel-Palestine, you are welcome to apply.

The selected fellows will be paid a bursary of £700 payable in two tranches at the midpoint and end of the academic year.

As a fellow, you will be given the opportunity to make a tangible contribution to the work of the Balfour Project by campaigning for peace within your academic institution and more generally,

Applications for the 2022/23 Fellowship are now open.

To find out more about the content and expectations for the 2022/23 Fellowship programme, please read our Call for Fellows.

If you would like to make an application, please click here to fill out and submit an application form. 

Applications for the 2022/23 Fellowship close on Friday 16th September 5 pm UK time. After which, the Fellowship coordination team will review applications and be in touch.

Please contact [email protected] should you have any questions.

What do MPs actually do for you?


Listen to this podcast from PoliticsHome to find out:

How Westminster Works: What do MPs actually do for you?

“Every year MPs and their staff receive thousands of requests for help from the people they are elected to represent – ranging from everyday problems about bin collections and parking spaces, to highly sensitive pleas about immigration, medical care and crime. Former Lib Dem leader Tim Farron and dedicated caseworkers speak to PoliticsHome about the vital work their staff in offices across the length and breadth of the country do.”

Upcoming HR Familiarisation Sessions


Learn about skills starting as an Office Manager

Office Manager – Getting Started Workshop for Members’ Staff

To book, please click this link Thursday 15 September 10-12 pm 

Course overview

This workshop focuses on the elements of an Office Manager’s role that relates to HR best practice. It provides an opportunity to build knowledge and get practical guidance from the Members’ HR Advice Services.

  • The Members HR Services team
  • Your role as an Office Manager for an MP
  • Recruitment
  • Running the office
  • Insurance
  • EAP (Employee Assistance Program)

Menopause Allies with Over The Bloody Moon


12:30 – 13:30 – Thursday 4 August 2022
Online Via Teams

Over the Bloody Moon is a leading menopause consultancy who will talk to us about the menopause transition and how you can better support colleagues or a partner. Lesley is here today to help managers feel more confident and equipped to support those negatively impacted by menopause. By being more aware of the signs, we can help others join the dots and respond in an appropriate and empathetic way.

Please email the Wellness Working Group if you would like a link to the event: [email protected]