New Code of Conduct and Guide to the Rules


The Code of Conduct describes the responsibilities that MPs have as Members of the House and are based on a set of principles. 

The new Code of Conduct and Guide to the Rules relating to the conduct of
Members took effect from 1 March 2023.

You can see a copy of the letter from the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards here:

You can find a summary of the changes here:

and the text from a presentation here:

The full Code of Conduct can be found here:

All Members and their staff are urged to familiarise themselves with this document.

General Election planning at Parliament: What does it take?


Please note that links to the old Parliamentary intranet have been removed as of October 2023. Please use search on ParliNet to find relevant current details, if available.

Time: 12:00 – 13:00
Date: Thursday 16 March 2023
Location: Online via Teams

Ahead of the next general election planning is under way, including to support new and departing MPs.

Come along to this online event you will hear more about what it takes and can ask questions to some of the key people involved.

For further information and to book, please visit this intranet page

Introduction to PolicyMogul – webinar


Webinar for parliamentary teams

Date: Wednesday, 8 March 2023
Time: 2.00pm – 2.45pm
Venue: Online

This online webinar is your chance to learn about the value that PolicyMogul provides for parliamentarians and their staff.

As well as an overview of the platform’s features, we will highlight some best practices related to getting the most out of the platform. Session includes Q&A.

PolicyMogul is the essential online tool used by UK parliamentarians and their teams to stay up to date with the latest political updates and intelligence related to their work and responsibilities.

Platform features include:

  • Political monitoring tailored to your interests
  • Customisable email updates with relevant political developments
  • Access to briefing material
  • Question and letter-writing assistant powered by AI
  • Analytics dashboard

Financial Wellbeing – a talk by the Money and Pension service (MaPS)


Financial Wellbeing: a talk by Victoria Copeland, Regional Partnerships Manager, Money and Pension service (MaPS)

Time: 14:30 – 15:30
Date: Thursday 16 March 2023
Location: Online via Teams

The Money and Pension Service is working to improve financial outcomes for everyone living and working in the UK. Through our MoneyHelper service we offer free impartial information guidance and support for all kinds of money questions from pocket money to pensions.

As a regional manager Victoria works with a variety of organisations including local government, financial services, employers, charities and advice providers to support their financial wellbeing strategies for residents, customers, staff, members and service users.

Victoria has been with MaPS for three years. Prior to working for this statutory body I worked in business development in the commercial sector including in my own business, in publishing and logistics. I bring thirty years lived experience to the role as well as a keen interest in supporting financial wellbeing in a workplace setting.

To register, please email [email protected]

Improving accessibility on


Please note that links to the old Parliamentary intranet have been removed as of October 2023. Please use search on ParliNet to find relevant current details, if available.

Live subtitles, closed captions and British Sign Language.

When watching, you can now view live subtitles or closed captions for both the Commons and Lords Chambers.

Users can select subtitles or closed captions on the video player by clicking on the ‘subtitles’ button. The subtitles will also be embedded in the broadcasting feed which is provided to the major broadcasters.

British Sign Language (BSL) interpretation has been introduced at Prime Minister’s Question time, and plans are in progress to introduce BSL interpretation for all departmental questions, statements and UQs in the House of Commons Chamber, and House of Lords Chamber (on request). It is proposed to launch this in Summer/Autumnn 2023.

Health Kiosk in Richmond House


Please note that links to the old Parliamentary intranet have been removed as of October 2023. Please use search on ParliNet to find relevant current details, if available.

A Health Kiosk has been installed in the ground floor Richmond House Community Hub. It’s available to use 24/7, at a time that is most convenient to you and is available for all passholders to use.

What is it? Have a look at this short video:

For further information on the Health Kiosk, please see this intranet page

Make the Most of the Commons Library


Join the Library Team for a short session to learn how the Library can support your work. These sessions are ideal for those who have recently started working for a Member or if you simply want a refresher in how to use Library resources.

The resources they cover will help you in your policy, research and casework.

By the end of the session you will be able to:

  • Find and use key Library products including briefing papers, casework articles and data dashboards.
  • Keep up to date with the latest research and developments through our email alerts
  • Know how to use the Library request service
  • Access our online services such as Nexis news and Grantfinder

The sessions are delivered over MS Teams by Library colleagues who all have extensive experience of working with Members and their staff.

To book, click here:
Note: you must be logged into the Parliamentary intranet to access the course booking system.

  • 3 March 2023 – 10:30 – 12:00
  • 11 April 2023 – 14:00 – 15:30
  • 17 May 2023 – 10:30 – 12:00
  • 15 June 2023 – 14:00 – 15:30
  • 10 July 2023 – 10:30 – 12:00

Useful new guides from the Commons Library


The House of Commons Library website contains a wealth of information which is of use not only to Members of Parliament and their staff, but are also accessible by members of the public.

The latest guides to be published are:

You can find more constituency casework guides here:

Plan your accommodation ahead for the Coronation of HM King Charles III & Key Dates for 2023


The Parliamentary Travel Office is preparing for the key global events throughout Spring and Summer, which will impact hotel rates and limit availability:

  • King’s Coronation on Saturday, 6th May
  • Wimbledon Tennis Championships from Monday, 3rd July to Sunday, 16th July
  • London Fashion Week from Saturday, 10th June to Monday, 12th June
  • London Fashion Week from Friday, 15th September to Tuesday, 19th September

Hotel accommodation will be highly sought after for several nights prior to, and after these events and is likely to be in short supply.

If your MP is planning to attend the King’s Coronation, please contact the Parliamentary Travel Office with your request by Friday, 25th February.

If you or your MP need to stay in London around any other key dates outlined above, please contact the Parliamentary Travel Office as soon as possible with your request.

The team will try their best to secure the contracted UK Parliament, or best available rates, with our preferred hotel suppliers however this may not always be possible.

Contact details: email [email protected] or call 020 7219 4232 on weekdays between 8:30am – 6pm.