Held In Our Hearts – Pregnancy & Baby Loss


Tuesday 7th December at 2.45pm

Pregnancy and baby loss can have an enormous impact on a family and the ripples of grief can be felt for a lifetime. Being well supported emotionally both at home and in the workplace can help families feel less alone and validate their grief and complex feelings.

Held In Our Hearts have 40 years of experience providing free baby loss counselling and support to bereaved parents. This talk will be presented by Nicola Welsh (CEO) who is bereaved herself and will focus on the impact of loss and good examples of support offered to families returning to work after the loss of their baby.

Please RSVP to [email protected]

The Great Cross-Party Get Together


The Labour and Conservative Women’s Parliamentary Staff Networks invite you to

The Great Cross-Party Get Together – with Kim Leadbeater MP
(aerobics class)
Time: 8:30am – 9:15am
Date: 8 December 2021

Following the covid-19 pandemic and tragic murder of Sir David Amess MP we wanted to do something to bring everyone together in a safe way to spend some light-hearted time together and would be delighted if you could join us.

This aerobics class is open to all MPs, Peers and their staff and we hope you can join in with your team. You’ll be pleased to know that lycra is not compulsory but fancy dress is welcome!

Please sign up via https://forms.gle/JJiogrvnRuuPwHUr9

Men’s Mental Health Day Event – 8 December 2021



Health & Wellbeing Learning Hub

To mark the end of Movember and International Men’s Day (19 November), we invite you to join us for a live panel discussion where we will explore the topic of men’s mental health.

Mental health continues to be a taboo subject for men, with many suffering in silence when they experience sadness, loneliness and anxiety.

We will talk to colleagues about the “silent crisis” of men’s mental health and the challenges men face when opening up about their feelings.

We invite you to join the discussion and show your support.

Join us on Wednesday 8 December, 11.30am – 12.30pm. Sign-up here.

No Panic – Understanding Anxiety Disorders


Time: 13:30pm
Date: Wednesday 20th October
Venue: Online

No Panic is a registered charity that helps and supports those living with Panic Attacks, Phobias, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders and other related anxiety disorders. No Panic also provides support for the carers of people who suffer from anxiety disorders.

One of the charity No Panic patron’s will be hosting an interactive and engaging talk on the background of No Panic, understanding anxious thoughts and anxiety disorders, chatting through their own lived experience of anxiety disorders and practical ways you can develop your own self-care strategies?

Please RSVP to [email protected]

Wellbeing Hub for Members’ Staff


The Wellbeing Hub for Members’ staff can now be accessed directly from your desktop using the orange and blue icon which should now have appeared.

The Wellbeing Hub brings together all resources into one place, with information on what support services are available and ideas, tools and templates to support you with your wellbeing. It is designed by Members’ staff who understand the challenges of your roles and have tailored the resources accordingly.

The site was created by the Wellness Working Group, a cross party group of Members’ staff, with the support of the House. Please feel free to get in touch with us on [email protected] to hear more about their work or tell them your thoughts on the Hub

If you are looking for some support or if you are interested in what more you can do to support your team’s wellbeing at this difficult time, then visit the Wellbeing Hub via the desktop icon to find tools to help you.

Creating a safe workplace for Members’ staff – guidance on bullying, harassment and sexual misconduct


All MP Staff Q&A Session – Creating a safe workplace for Members’ staff – guidance on bullying, harassment and sexual misconduct

10:00 – 10:45 – Thursday 10 June 2021

Open to all of the staff of MPs.  For further information and booking, please see https://parliament.learningpool.com/mod/facetoface/view.php?id=4492


New Wellbeing Hub for Members’ Staff


The Wellness Working Group has launched a new Wellbeing Hub for Members’ Staff.

This is a dedicated space created by MPs’ staff for MPs’ staff; they know just how difficult this job can be and the importance of taking time to look after yourself.  They have gathered all resources to support you on this site.

The Wellness Working Group is a cross party group of members staff that aims to place a greater focus on mental health and increase support for members staff wellbeing.

Please visit the Wellbeing Hub for Members’ Staff here: https://hopuk.sharepoint.com/sites/hct-wellbeinghub

There will be a tour of the new Wellbeing Hub at 3pm on Wednesday 12 May 2021.  Please click here for details of how to join: https://hopuk.sharepoint.com/sites/hct-wellbeinghub/_layouts/15/Event.aspx?ListGuid=391ff5e9-e147-4629-996a-5998ff65a95a&ItemId=3

Wellness Working Group Virtual meeting: Kooth, Mental Health Support for Children and Young People


Wellness Working Group Online Event

Kooth.com, Mental Health Support for Children and Young People
Time: 11am – 12pm
Date: Friday 16 April 2021

Dr. Lynne Green, Consultant Psychologist and Chief Clinical Officer and Gareth Evans, Director of Accounts and Engagement for Kooth will cover what Kooth is for children and young people, how to talk to parents about Kooth, how to access their services and discuss some case studies on the work they do with children and young people.

1 in 5 children and young people suffer from mental health illness in any given year. Kooth.com is commissioned by the NHS and Local Authorities to provide anonymous and personalised mental health support for children and young people, providing end to end support whatever the need.

To join this meeting, please email [email protected]

As always, please feel free to share this event with your colleagues and encourage them to join the Group.

6-week Mindfulness Course for MPs’ staff


The world we live in is fast paced and dynamic – while this can feel exciting it can also become overwhelming, so how do we navigate our lives skilfully?  Mindfulness supports resilience and well-being. It is particularly valuable at this time of the Covid-19 pandemic, equipping you with tools to relate to challenging situations, and to form helpful daily habits.

The Working Mind mindfulness programme – new to Parliament this year – is designed specifically for the workplace and is suitable for beginners as well as those who have some familiarity with mindfulness.

This 6-week online mindfulness programme will be interactive and experiential. Between classes you will be invited to practice guided meditations using an app, and to explore ‘mindfulness in action’.

Please note that this programme is only open to Members’ Staff of the House of Commons

For further details and to sign up, please go to this ACT page: https://parliament.learningpool.com/mod/facetoface/view.php?f=1899