Creating a safe workplace for Members’ staff – guidance on bullying, harassment and sexual misconduct


All MP Staff Q&A Session – Creating a safe workplace for Members’ staff – guidance on bullying, harassment and sexual misconduct

10:00 – 10:45 – Thursday 10 June 2021

Open to all of the staff of MPs.  For further information and booking, please see


Survey of MPs Staff – please respond


Following the Gemma White QC Report into bullying and harassment of MPs’ staff, the House of Commons service are thinking about what they can do to help to include MPs’ staff within the parliamentary community.  They would like to take the opportunity to ask you your views on how they can best do this.  The survey takes only a minute or two and can be accessed here:

MP staff survey

The survey will close on Friday 8 November 2019.

Bullying and Harassment and Sexual Harassment support services


Independent Complaints and Grievance Scheme (ICGS) Helpline: supporting those affected by bullying, harassment and sexual misconduct

Call: 0808 168 9281 (freephone)

Email: [email protected]

The Helpline is open 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday

If you feel you have experienced, witnessed, been accused of or are supporting someone  with bullying, harassment or sexual misconduct, the Independent Complaints and Grievance Scheme (ICGS) Helpline can provide you with emotional support and guidance on the options available to you and the processes involved.

The ICGS Helpline is confidential and independent of Parliament. The service is delivered Victim Support, an independent charity who provide specialist support services to those affected by crime and traumatic events.

The Helpline is available to current and former members of the Parliamentary community, whether your experience happened on the Parliamentary Estate, in a constituency office, or while undertaking parliamentary work elsewhere. It is also available to visitors to the Parliamentary Estate in Westminster.

In addition to the support provided by the helpline, direct access is available to an Independent Sexual Misconduct Advisor (ISMA), who can provide immediate and ongoing support through all elements of your enquiry or complaint and help you decide what you would like to do. #

For further information on the options available to you through the ICGS Helpline please visit the ICGS Intranet Site.