LAST CHANCE TO RESPOND: MPs’ Staff Survey of Well-being 2024-2025


The Wellness Working Group is excited to once again share with you the now Annual WWG Survey of Staff working for Members of Parliament

You may remember that the Wellness Working Group undertakes this important anonymous survey of MPs staff to better understand the pressures and effects that our jobs have on our wellbeing. We are delighted that Dr Weinberg from Salford University has agreed to run the survey again for us this year.

The survey is completely anonymous and a chance to be able to help us enact change and to help us all obtain better work places and practices. It should only take about 15 minutes to complete.

Please address any queries you may have to the lead researcher Dr Ashley Weinberg, who is an Occupational Psychologist at the University of Salford: [email protected]

Men’s Health Awareness stall


10:30 – 15:30 on Tuesday 26 November 2024

To mark Men’s Health Awareness Month, the Parliamentary Health and Wellbeing Service (PHWS) and Parligender have partnered together with Andy’s Man Club and Prostate Cancer UK.

Andy’s Man Club are a charity who raise awareness for men’s mental health by facilitating groups all across the UK and Prostate Cancer UK are one of the UK’s most well-known charities who raise awareness for Prostate Cancer. 

Visit the stall in Portcullis House between 10:30am – 3:30pm to meet representatives of Andy’s Man Club and Prostate Cancer UK along with PHWS staff. 

There will also be a Men’s Health Awareness workshop at 1pm

For further information please visit this page on Parlinet:

The Benefits of Group Supervision for MP’s Staff


Virtual meeting from the Wellness Working Group

Speaker: Sue Hampson
Time: 11:00 – 12:00
Date: Thursday 7th November 2024

Sue has been a practising counsellor, supervisor and trainer for over 20 years. She was the Beyond Trauma National Training Officer at Health in Mind from 2004 – 2006.

Group Supervision will enable staff to safely and confidently respond to and work with disclosures of traumatic experiences by constituents. It helps to build staff capacity and the quality of response that we as MPs staff are able to offer, as well as providing us with a safe space in which to talk about the impact of those disclosures on ourselves.

The cost of Group Supervision is claimable through the Wellbeing Budget (part of the Staffing Budget) that IPSA provides to MP’s Offices.

To receive a link to this session, please email [email protected]

Wellness Working Group Survey


An update from the Director of Members’ Staff Engagement

The Director of Members’ Staff Engagement has provided an update on progress made against the recommendations in the report, which you can find on the intranet here:

There is also an update on the Speaker’s Conference report on the employment conditions of Members’ staff.

Concerns relating to Health Assured


The BBC has reported claims that corporate clients of Health Assured, the provider of the staff Employee Assistance Programme, listened in to confidential helpline calls without the knowledge or permission of callers. You can read the House response to this on ParliNet, with contact details for those who need further advice or guidance.

MPs’ Staff Survey on Wellbeing


All MPs’ staff should have received an email inviting them to complete the Wellness Working Group annual survey on wellbeing.

If you haven’t already completed this important survey, w4mp strongly encourages you to do so as soon as possible – the closing date is Friday 19 January 2024.

If you are a member of staff and have not received the invitation, please email [email protected] from your parliamentary network account and they will send you a link.

Third Annual WWG Survey of Staff Working for MPs


The Wellness Working Group is excited to once again share with you the now Annual WWG Survey of Staff working for Members of Parliament.

You may remember, the Wellness Working Group undertakes this an anonymous survey of MPs staff to better understand the pressures and effects that our jobs have on our wellbeing. We are delighted that Dr. Weinberg from Salford University has agreed to run the survey again for us this year . The survey is completely anonymous and a chance to be able to help us enact change and to help us all obtain better work places and practices. It should only take about 10 minutes to complete.

Please access the survey from the WWG Homepage here:

You must be logged into the Parliamentary network in order to be able to access it.

Are you OK?


Are you OK? How are you coping? Do you need to talk to someone?

An MP’s office can be a busy and stressful environment at the best of times, and over the past few weeks, staff have been under a lot of extra pressure.

The work we do can put a strain on our mental health and wellbeing, and we can often feel isolated. If you are finding it difficult to cope, or just need someone to talk to, or somewhere to offload, please remember that help is available.

The Wellness Working Group offers lots of useful information advice and you can access their hub here:

Please ring the helpline and talk to someone. It’s what it’s there for.

Health Assured provides an independent support service to MPs’ staff, it is completely confidential and can be accessed 24/7 by phone, online portal and app. You can access support for any issue you are struggling with, it doesn’t have to be work related. Look here for further information, their helpline number and a link to access the service: