Training for Members’ Staff


The Members’ and Members’ Staff Services Team, along with Teams across the House of Commons, provides a wide range of training, learning and development activities that have been developed to support Members’ staff in their different roles and responsibilities.

To see the dates of courses coming up soon, view the Monthly Training Bulletin. You can also find all the training available to Members’ Staff on ACT.

Note: you must have a parliamentary network account and be connected to the network in order to access the above links.

Upcoming training courses from the Parliamentary Learning & Development Team


Here is the current list of training courses from the Parliamentary Learning & Development Team that staff can sign up for.

Courses are free of charge to all Members’ staff who are paid through IPSA’s staffing allowance and travel costs to training events can be met from the expenses scheme administered by IPSA.

There are two new courses:

  • Managing Suicidal Conversations
  • Advice and Effective Casework Interviewing Skills

Full details can be found in the training section of the Parliamentary Intranet.

The full course catalogue is available via Act – the Parliamentary learning management system.

Supervisory Management Course24.01.20Westminster
Conversations with Vulnerable People29.01.20Newcastle
Managing Suicidal Conversations - NEW COURSE29.01.20Westminster
Writing a Brief30.01.20Westminster
Role of the Office Manager Programme (CMI endorsed)31.01.20Westminster
- 3 day course - you must be able to attend all 3 days21.02.20
Essential Writing Skills for Members' staff04.02.20Westminster
Introduction to Welfare Benefits05.02.20Westminster
Conversations with Vulnerable People06.02.20Exeter
Personal Independence Payment (PIP)06.02.20Edinburgh
Speech Writing06.02.20Westminster
Essential Writing Skills for Members' staff07.02.20Manchester
Asylum and International Protection12.02.20Westminster
Media Handling and Social Media13.02.20Westminster
Universal Credit Overview13.02.20Westminster
Taking Control of Your Time & Speed Reading18.02.20Westminster
Advice and Effective Casework Interviewing Skills - NEW COURSE19.02.20Westminster
Personal Independence Payment (PIP)20.02.20Westminster
Essential Writing Skills for Members' staff21.02.20Cardiff
Members' Staff Induction24.02.20Westminster
Managing Suicidal Conversations - NEW COURSE25.02.20Westminster
Immigration Law26.02.20Edinburgh
Introduction to Welfare Benefits27.02.20Glasgow
Speech Writing27.02.20Westminster
Personal Independence Payment (PIP)04.03.20Birmingham
Writing a Brief04.03.20Westminster
Conversations with Vulnerable People05.03.20Westminster
Immigration Law09.03.20Cardiff
Advice and Effective Casework Interviewing Skills - NEW COURSE10.03.20Westminster
Universal Credit Overview10.03.20Leeds
Taking Control of Your Time & Speed Reading12.03.20Manchester
Media Handling and Social Media17.03.20Exeter
Immigration Law18.03.20Leeds
Asylum and International Protection19.03.20Manchester
Taking Control of Your Time & Speed Reading19.03.20Edinburgh
Immigration Law23.03.20Birmingham
Members' Staff Induction26.03.20Westminster
Universal Credit Overview26.03.20Glasgow
Immigration Law27.03.20Westminster