Standards in the House of Commons


Commons Library Research Briefing

On Monday 8 November 2021, there will be an emergency debate in the House of Commons on “the consequences of the decision of the House on 3 November relating to standards.”

The Commons Library has produced a Research Briefing summarisin the events that led up to the decision to hold an emergency debate on the House of Commons standards system on Monday 8 November 2021. It includes an overview of the Commons standards system and a timeline showing how the system has evolved.

You can find the briefing here:

Halal and Kosher Food Trial


Please note that links to the old Parliamentary intranet have been removed as of October 2023. Please use search on ParliNet to find relevant current details, if available.

A trial of the sale of halal and kosher meals will commence 18 October in Bellamy’s. Halal and kosher sandwiches will also be added to the ranges in the Debate and the Terrace.

The trial will run until the end of January 2022, when the House will review feedback and consider rollout to other venues across the estate. 

Personal Security

Elizabeth Tower against skyline

We at w4mp are shocked at the news that Sir David Amess, MP for Southend West has died from his injuries after having been attacked at his advice surgery this afternoon.   We offer our sincere condolences to his family, friends and staff at this awful time.

Members and their staff need to remain alert and be aware of their security. Please do read our guide here: for information about the support which is available to you.

The Members’ Security Support Service (MSSS) provides guidance, advice and support to members of both Houses and their staff, about security away from the Parliamentary Estate. You can call them on 020 7219 2244 if you wish to discuss anything related to security and personal safety.

Security away from Parliament, including at advice surgeries and in constituency offices:

The Immigration Act 1971: Celebrated or Flawed?


On 30 September 2021, Gresham College broadcast a 1-hour lecture by Professor Leslie Thomas QC and David Neale.

It’s really worth watching as it gives an excellent background to the history of Britain’s immigration law which will be of interest to anyone who works as an MP’s caseworker, particularly those who process immigration casework.

Here’s the lecture summary:

“Commonwealth citizens once enjoyed the right to live, work and settle in the UK without any restrictions. But a racist backlash against Black and Asian immigration led to legislators introducing immigration controls in the Commonwealth Immigrants Act 1962, which were broadened by the Commonwealth Immigrants Act 1968 to deprive East African Asians of the right to settle in the UK. Its shameful successor, the Immigration Act 1971 continues to form the basis of our xenophobic immigration laws today.”

You can watch the lecture on Gresham College’s website here:

No Panic – Understanding Anxiety Disorders


Time: 13:30pm
Date: Wednesday 20th October
Venue: Online

No Panic is a registered charity that helps and supports those living with Panic Attacks, Phobias, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders and other related anxiety disorders. No Panic also provides support for the carers of people who suffer from anxiety disorders.

One of the charity No Panic patron’s will be hosting an interactive and engaging talk on the background of No Panic, understanding anxious thoughts and anxiety disorders, chatting through their own lived experience of anxiety disorders and practical ways you can develop your own self-care strategies?

Please RSVP to [email protected]

Advantages of a Caring Culture – Kirstie Hawton, Octopus Group


Time: 10:00
Date: Friday 1 October 2021
Where: MS Teams

Kirstie has revolutionised the culture at Octopus by putting employees wellbeing, mental health and gratitude at the forefront of everything they do.  

Come along to hear how Kirstie made this change and to get some tips on how we can look after ourselves, our colleagues and our offices during these particularly troubling times.

Please email [email protected] to register

Visit the Members’ Services Fair from 18-22 October 2021


Please note that links to the old Parliamentary intranet have been removed as of October 2023. Please use search on ParliNet to find relevant current details, if available.

The Members’ Services Fair is an opportunity for Members and their staff to find out more about the full range of support, services and facilities provided by the House Service and the work of different teams across Parliament.

A series of talks and panel discussions will be held in the Macmillan Room on Monday 18 and Tuesday 19 October. These will cover the experiences of Members and Members’ staff of working in the House of Commons, as well as topics including running your office, security, learning and development, personal wellbeing and the culture of Parliament.

A full programme and details on how to pre-register for individual sessions will be available on the intranet closer to the event. Talks will be live streamed for the benefit of constituency staff or those unable to attend in person.

You can find further information on the intranet

Call for Balfour Project Peace Advocacy Fellows 2021-22


READ HERE for the full call for fellows.

The Balfour Project intends to appoint up to twenty Peace Advocacy Fellows for the academic
year 2021-22. If you are a post-graduate or final year undergraduate student with an interest in the the IsraeliPalestinian conflict, you are welcome to apply.

The selected fellows will be paid a bursary of £700 payable in two tranches at the midpoint and end of theacademic year.

Theyh are open for applications between 1 September and 5pm of Friday, 29 October. Interviews will take place in the second half of October, and the fellows will be appointed at the end of the month.