Wellness Working Group Virtual meeting: Kooth, Mental Health Support for Children and Young People


Wellness Working Group Online Event

Kooth.com, Mental Health Support for Children and Young People
Time: 11am – 12pm
Date: Friday 16 April 2021

Dr. Lynne Green, Consultant Psychologist and Chief Clinical Officer and Gareth Evans, Director of Accounts and Engagement for Kooth will cover what Kooth is for children and young people, how to talk to parents about Kooth, how to access their services and discuss some case studies on the work they do with children and young people.

1 in 5 children and young people suffer from mental health illness in any given year. Kooth.com is commissioned by the NHS and Local Authorities to provide anonymous and personalised mental health support for children and young people, providing end to end support whatever the need.

To join this meeting, please email [email protected]

As always, please feel free to share this event with your colleagues and encourage them to join the Group.

6-week Mindfulness Course for MPs’ staff


The world we live in is fast paced and dynamic – while this can feel exciting it can also become overwhelming, so how do we navigate our lives skilfully?  Mindfulness supports resilience and well-being. It is particularly valuable at this time of the Covid-19 pandemic, equipping you with tools to relate to challenging situations, and to form helpful daily habits.

The Working Mind mindfulness programme – new to Parliament this year – is designed specifically for the workplace and is suitable for beginners as well as those who have some familiarity with mindfulness.

This 6-week online mindfulness programme will be interactive and experiential. Between classes you will be invited to practice guided meditations using an app, and to explore ‘mindfulness in action’.

Please note that this programme is only open to Members’ Staff of the House of Commons

For further details and to sign up, please go to this ACT page: https://parliament.learningpool.com/mod/facetoface/view.php?f=1899

British Psychological Society – Cognitive Strain in Parliament


Time: 11:00 – 12:00
Date: Friday 19 February 2021

The relationships between well-being and work have long been recognised, however the role of these in the fields of politics and government have not historically received the attention they deserve.

Research conducted by psychologists within the UK Parliament has been the focus of a recent report published by the British Psychological Society (BPS).

It highlighted potential sources of psychological pressure and developed recommendations to help the political workplace foster improved well-being for all its staff. Two members of the team Dr Ashley Weinberg, Chair of the BPS Political Psychology Section, and Andrew Baldwin, BPS Policy Advisor (Work), will present the report’s findings and its implications for political staff.

To join, please email [email protected]

Virtual Meeting – Work, stress and wellbeing with Professor Tarani Chandola


Work, stress and wellbeing – some observations over my research career

Monday 22nd February 2021, 11am – 12pm

The talk will review research on work, stress and wellbeing, highlighting some key findings from studies such as the Whitehall II study on stress and health among civil servants. Professor Chandola will talk about how work stress is measured, who is more likely to get stressed and what can we do to reduce stress at work. There will be an open discussion of what work stress means for participants joining the event, and how the current pandemic context has impacted on the stress levels of participants.

Tarani Chandola: Biography

Tarani is a Professor of Medical Sociology. He is a co-director of the ESRC International Centre for Lifecourse Studies in Society and Health and is also the co-director for the SOC-B (Social-Biological) Centre for Doctoral Training funded by the ESRC and BBSRC. Professor Chandola is a member of the ESRC Strategic Advisory Network, fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences and the Royal Statistical Society and is an Editor-in-Chief of the journal Sociology.

Professor Chandola joined the University of Manchester in April 2010, is the Head of the Department of Social Statistics and the former Director of the Cathie Marsh Institute (2013-2016). He was formerly at the UCL Research Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, and prior to that completed his PhD and post-doc at Nuffield College, University of Oxford. Tarani’s research is primarily on the social determinants of health, focusing on health inequalities and psychosocial factors, and the analysis of longitudinal cohort studies.

To register to join this meeting, please RSVP to [email protected]

Things to do…


Ok, so as fun and rewarding as your job may be you can’t, and you shouldn’t, spend all of your time busy with work. Trying to avoid work can be especially hard when you’re spending so much time at home. But, have no fear, W4MP comes to you with a solution! Below are a list of fun activities to keep you busy, keep you thinking, and keep you sane. 

Online Activities to keep you busy offline during the lockdown

Here are some activities that we think will help you stay busy during the lockdown.

Moving around

  • Fitness: If you’re missing the gym, or want to get into exercise for the first time, then P.E with JOE is probably the best place to start. Joe offers a really wide array of online classes that are suited to people of all abilities.
  • Yoga: If you’re looking for something a bit more structured, then maybe online yoga is for you. Yoga with Adriene varies from soft and gentle to thoroughly exhausting.
  • Ballet: The Dutch National Opera and Ballet, as part of their stay at home series, are streaming online Ballet Classes on their YouTube page. Classes come out once a week and are about thirty minutes long.


  • There are two kinds of people during a lockdown. People making sourdough and people struggling to find flour. If you’re in the first camp then Breadahead’s online baking course is for you. Live at 2pm (GMT) everyday on Instagram live, Breadahead teaches you how to make a wide variety of loaves from Focaccia to Ciabatta.
