World Mental Health Day 2019: focus on suicide prevention


Please note that links to the old Parliamentary intranet have been removed as of October 2023. Please use search on ParliNet to find relevant current details, if available.

Thursday 10 October is World Mental Health Day.

Wellbeing practitioners will be running a stall in PCH to promote good mental health at work and encourage everyone to know what support and resources are available to them.

A team of Mental Health First Aiders will also be running stalls and activities in Parliamentary buildings across the Estate.

Please see the intranet for further information

Flu Vaccination Drop-in Clinics


Please note that links to the old Parliamentary intranet have been removed as of October 2023. Please use search on ParliNet to find relevant current details, if available.

Flu vaccination clinics have been arranged for 15, 16 and 17 October in the Palace of Westminster.  These are available to Staff of the House of Commons, PDS, Members of the House of Commons and their staff.

Please see the intranet for further information:


Protests expected around Parliament


Please note that links to the old Parliamentary intranet have been removed as of October 2023. Please use search on ParliNet to find relevant current details, if available.

Extinction Rebellion are planning two weeks of direct action, commencing on Sunday 6 October. The protests will take the form of peaceful ‘camps’ around Westminster, and  high levels of disruption are expected.

See the post on the Parliamentary Intranet for more details.



Parliament Resumes


As you may have heard on the news, the Supreme Court has ruled that the proroguing of Parliament was unlawful and therefore did not actually happen, and the Commons will sit tomorrow.

Here at w4mp we’d like to send good wishes to everyone whose plans have been changed at short notice and wish them all the best as they deal with the inevitable pressures of the the next few weeks.

New visual identity for House of Commons


News on the Parliament website that the House of Commons has updated its corporate visual identity to ensure it is accessible, in particular on digital platforms and mobile devices.

The updates include an updated rendering of the Crowned Portcullis symbol that works effectively at all sizes in digital environments, and follows the changes developed for the award-winning UK Parliament visual identity launched in 2018.

Alongside the updated version of the House of Commons wordmark, the identity includes an extensive colour palette, icons, illustrations and templates.

Two highly accessible typefaces, National and Register, have also been selected for their excellent legibility in digital and print environments.  The decision to adopt them was based on guidance from the British Dyslexia Association and the Digital Accessibility Centre.

The first corporate publication to feature the updated branding was the House of Commons Annual Report and Accounts 2018-19, which is available via the UK Parliament website.

MPs’ Guide to the NHS 2019


The NHS in England is made up of, and supported by, a number of different kinds of organisations at local and national level.  They have produced a very useful guide to who does what and how NHS services are funded, delivered and regulated for your constituents.

If you are an MP or a member of an MP’s staff and would like a copy of the guide, please let us know by emailing [email protected]

Please note that this guide is not available to members of the public.

Rules Register


The House of Commons Governance Office has
launched a Rules Register drawing together rules
on access to and use of:
The Parliamentary Estate

  • House of Commons and bicameral
  • Parliamentary Digital Services
  • The Rules Register has been designed to help you
    find the rules and guidance you need – and to
    give you assurance that the rules you are looking
    for are up-to-date

The Rules Register is a topical index of Commons rules on access to and use of the estate, facilities, and digital services, .

The Rules Register is on ParliNet

Inquiry into Bullying and Harassment of MPs’ Parliamentary Staff


Parliament has published the report by Gemma White QC into Bullying and Harassment of MPs’ Parliamentary Staff

You can read  it here: Gemma White QC’s report.

The House of Commons Commission has published a response in which it states:

We condemn bullying and harassment of MPs’ staff and offer our full support to anyone in the parliamentary community who has suffered in this way.

The Commission does not employ the staff of MPs as they are employed by MPs themselves or via political parties.

However, the Commission takes very seriously its responsibility to ensure that Parliament is a modern workplace.

Places of Worship Protective Security Funding Scheme


As part of the 2018 Hate Crime Action Plan refresh, the fourth year of funding for the Places of Worship Protective Security Funding Scheme is now open for applications.

Over the first three years of the scheme more than 130 places of worship have been awarded grants to install measures such as protective alarms, security lighting and access controls.

The Home Office have made improvements to this year’s scheme to make it easier for places of worship and associated faith community centres to apply. This includes removing the need for applicants to find their own quotes for security measures; instead applicants will benefit from a central supplier for assessments, quotes and installation.

In addition the scheme now includes faith community centres, and broadened the eligibility criteria so that applicants no longer need to show they have already experienced hate crime. Instead the test will be vulnerability to hate crime.

The scheme is open to places of worship and associated faith community centres (we define this as a community centre run by a place of worship or near a place of worship that is faith based, and where regular worship takes place) across England and Wales.

Click here for further details of the funding scheme and how to apply.

SFI is here to support your application, please email: [email protected]

Deadline: Saturday 31st August 2019

Imperial College London’s launch of The Forum with guest speaker Sir Patrick Vallance: TODAY


Imperial College London’s Professor Nick Jennings invites you to a special event to launch The Forum, Imperial’s new policy engagement programme. The Forum brings Imperial’s community and policy-makers together to discuss, debate and discover new thinking on policy challenges.

Sir Patrick Vallance, the Government’s Chief Scientific Adviser, will speak about the importance of academia and government working together to solve policy challenges across a range of issues. Sir Patrick will then be joined by Professor Nick Jennings for an audience Q&A.

This will be followed by a networking reception with guests from Westminster, government departments and industry. Drinks and canapés will be served.

The event will take place from 5-7pm on Wednesday 10 July at Imperial College London’s South Kensington campus. For more information and to sign up, please click here.