Places of Worship Protective Security Funding Scheme


As part of the 2018 Hate Crime Action Plan refresh, the fourth year of funding for the Places of Worship Protective Security Funding Scheme is now open for applications.

Over the first three years of the scheme more than 130 places of worship have been awarded grants to install measures such as protective alarms, security lighting and access controls.

The Home Office have made improvements to this year’s scheme to make it easier for places of worship and associated faith community centres to apply. This includes removing the need for applicants to find their own quotes for security measures; instead applicants will benefit from a central supplier for assessments, quotes and installation.

In addition the scheme now includes faith community centres, and broadened the eligibility criteria so that applicants no longer need to show they have already experienced hate crime. Instead the test will be vulnerability to hate crime.

The scheme is open to places of worship and associated faith community centres (we define this as a community centre run by a place of worship or near a place of worship that is faith based, and where regular worship takes place) across England and Wales.

Click here for further details of the funding scheme and how to apply.

SFI is here to support your application, please email: [email protected]

Deadline: Saturday 31st August 2019