To what extent are offices leveraging modern tools to do their work? Does technology have a significant effect on what they can get done? And how much does this vary between one office and another?
Are you working in an MP’s office? If so, we need your help to understand how technology could be used to make your work easier. By taking just 10-15 minutes to share your experiences in this survey[], you can make a valuable contribution to this important research.
Your responses are anonymous – we aren’t collecting personally identifying data and nobody will have access to individual responses beyond our research team. If there are questions you prefer not to answer, you can skip over them to the next question.
A tree will be planted for every response we receive!
A joint project by W4MP and LCPT, the Parliament Workflow Study is a research project inspired by the question: “How is technology changing the work of politics?”
The findings from this study will be shared publicly with the goal of identifying best practices and areas for improvement in how MPs’ offices operate. We hope these insights can help MPs and their staff take full advantage of technology to better serve their constituents and work more effectively.
Ready to participate? Take the survey now
We greatly appreciate you taking the time to participate. To learn more about the Parliament Workflow Study, visit our website at If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our team at
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