ElectHer One-to-One Support


Elect Her wants to give you the personal space and time you need, to ask us anything about your journey to elected office so we can signpost you directly to resources and opportunities that we and our partners have in place.

Do you have questions you’d like to ask about how to get started, what support the political parties have in place, questions about funding or just a general catch up about where you are and where you’d like to be?

These 1:1 appointments are the perfect place to ask! If we can help we will, and if not we can refer you to other organisations! There is a whole host of support out there and sometimes you just need a nudge to access it.

We are available for 20 minute slots throughout Tuesday 18th February.

For further information please see here: https://www.elect-her.org.uk/events-workshops/ask-her-february-2025

Candidate Clinic


Elect Her is inviting any women preparing for selection to come to a drop in space, where we can get to know you and support you.

We are offering this as an opportunity so we can understand what you need help and support with.

Whatever it is you need come and join us and our expert team:

Time: 19:00 – 20:15
Date: Monday 3 February 2025
Location: Online

Drop in and ask away!
