Constituency casework: asylum, immigration and nationality


Members of Parliament handle a high volume of immigration, nationality and asylum enquiries from constituents.

The Commons Library has produced a briefing which provides a brief overview of the UK’s immigration and asylum system and basic British nationality law.

It also outlines the legal restrictions on giving immigration advice, gives some suggestions on handling constituents’ enquiries, refers to some sources of information that may be helpful for straightforward questions, and highlights training courses available to Members’ staff.

Post-Brexit British passport validity


From 1 January 2021, passport guidelines are changing.

To be eligible to travel to most European countries, on the day of travel, British passport holders must:

  • Have at least 6 months left on their passport, and
  • Have a passport that is less than 10 years old, even if it has 6 months or more left

These rules also apply to Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.  They do not apply to travel to Ireland.

Please check your passport expiry date before booking any travel and renew it as soon as possible if it does not meet the new criteria. Failure to do so may mean your passport is invalid and you may not be able to travel.

You can check here for the country you’re visiting.

Click here to renew your British passport