Best Practice Guide on Whistleblowing – Guidance for MPs as Employers


Following the recent publication of the Best Practice Guide on Whistleblowing (guidance for MPs as employers). The Members’ HR Team would like to invite you to join them for one of the upcoming familiarisation sessions that will provide information that sets out the way in which employees may raise a whistleblowing concern and how those concerns should be addressed.

The session will cover:

  • What is considered as a whistleblowing concern
  • How a whistleblowing disclosure is raised
  • The legal protection and requirements under whistleblowing law
  • The practical steps that should be taken to ensure a fair and thorough investigation

30 June, 9.30am

28 July, 9.30am

Best Practice Guide to Grievances


Please note that links to the old Parliamentary intranet have been removed as of October 2023. Please use search on ParliNet to find relevant current details, if available.

The House of Commons Members’ HR Service has produced a Best Practice Guide to Grievances.

This best practice guide aims to enable Members and their HR proxies to respond to and investigate grievances fairly, consistently and effectively.

You can find the guide here

This is one of a series of guides, and you can find the other guides here

Members’ and Members’ Staff Services Team


The Members’ and Members’ Staff Services Team (MMSST) provides a variety of services specifically for Members and Members’ staff. ​​​​​​​​​​​​The service incorporates several main elements including a HR service for Members and their proxies, and a programme of events, training and pastoral support to all Members’ staff.

MMSST is based in the Portcullis House Hub. The team are available for virtual meetings via Microsoft Teams and for in-person meetings across the Parliamentary estate. 

Full details of their services can be found on ParliNet.

Best Practice Guide to Recruitment and Selection


The House of Commons Members’ HR Service has produced a Best Practice Guide to Recruitment and Selection.

It provides practical advice on efficient and effective recruitment practices. The guide aims to support Members (and their Office Managers) with the tools to attract and recruit people with diverse backgrounds, skills and abilities.

Even if you’re not currently recruiting, w4mp recommends that MPs and Office Manager take the time to read this very useful document.

Please see here for further information:

Recruitment and Selection – Best Practice Guides


Please note that links to the old Parliamentary intranet have been removed as of October 2023. Please use search on ParliNet to find relevant current details, if available.

The House of Commons Members’ HR Service has produced a series of Best Practice Guides. Recruitment and Selection.

They can be found on Sharepoint

The one on Recruitment and Selection provides practical advice on efficient and effective recruitment practices and support Members (and their Office Managers) with the tools to attract and recruit people with diverse backgrounds, skills and abilities.

Recruiting staff can be a rewarding experience, unfortunately, there are some common pitfalls if the process is rushed or not well thought through.  There is also a legal requirement placed on all employers to ensure that recruitment practices meet the requirements of the Equality Act (2010).  It is therefore important to ensure that your recruitment practices are not only deemed to be fair, consistent and transparent but that this is also the experience of the individuals going through your recruitment process.

The guide looks at the different stages of a recruitment process, which would normally include:

  • Identifying the role you need and how it will support the function of your office.
  • How to write a job description in line with the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) requirements.
  • Guidance on writing a person specification.
  • Putting an advert together and exploring various options to advertise your vacancy.
  • Best practice on selection methods.
  • Making the job offer, and the following checks that need to be carried out e.g. security vetting, employment references etc.

Although this is a guide to recruitment and selection, it is well worth reading it even if you’re not currently in the process of seeking a new employee.  It contains a wealth of valuable information which could also be used to help you to carry out appraisals and self-assessments.



For information about security clearance for people on work experience see Apply for security vetting and passes