Remote working and cyber-security


Please note that links to the old Parliamentary intranet have been removed as of October 2023. Please use search on ParliNet to find relevant current details, if available.

Whilst most people are now working remotely, it’s tempting to add lots of new apps to your computers and devices.

Please be aware that must not download any apps or software onto Parliamentary devices without seeking advice and permission from PDS first.

Any software that conflicts with security systems or with the safe operation of parliamentary equipment will be removed by PDS.

Please read the guidance here:

Online lectures from Gresham College


For those who haven’t discovered Gresham College yet, you have been missing out!  They have a fabulous programme of free public lectures on a wide variety of subjects.

Gresham College has sent the following message by email:

Because of Covid-19, you can’t attend Gresham lectures in person, but we are trying to live-stream as many lectures online as possible. Up to date details here.

If you are home-schooling School or College students try our Schools pages. 

Later this month we will have a lecture on the Coronavirus by Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer and Gresham Professor of Physic (details to be announced). In the meantime you can watch the Epidemics playlist .

Gresham College also has a video archive of past lectures which can be found here:

A look into ParliREACH’s latest report into racism in Westminster


Workplace racism and discrimination are more talked about now than they have ever been in recent memory. There exists a plethora of organisations and institutions whose purpose it is to draw our attention to racism at work, often shining light to reveal discrimination in places we did not expect. One place that we may not expect to find racism is in the civilised chambers of Whitehall.

2019 saw the highest number of Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) MPs elected to parliament. This means that Westminster now has 65 BME MPs. However, despite this historically diverse field many BME MPs and parliamentary workers still feel as though they suffer from racial discrimination.

In an interview for ITV Layla Moran, the Liberal Democrat MP for Oxford West, recounted an incident where she was told whilst working in parliament that she should “go home”. In a similar and equally disturbing event, Afzal Khan, the Labour MP for Manchester Gorton, was told to “go back to Pakistan”. In the same ITV interview Tullip Siddiq, the Labour MP for Hampstead and Kilburn, recalled an exchange she had with a colleague in which her fellow member of parliament had implied that Asian families are more likely to kill their female children than families of other ethnicities.

A recent report commissioned by ParliREACH, a workplace equality network that was set up to provide a forum for BME people who work in parliament, found numerous examples of racial discrimination within Westminster’s halls.

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