Who’s Standing?


A fascinating blog post from Democracy Club where they have analysed their data on the 4,515 parliamentary candidates standing for election on July 4. Read the full details on their website, but some highlights include

  • 30% of candidates are female. The majority of candidates were born in the 1960s or 1970s; the average year of birth is 1973.
  • 73% of candidates have recent electoral experience. 57% have stood for parliament since 2010, and 36% have stood in a council election since 2016.
  • 550 former MPs are standing for election. 1,055 candidates have recent (2018-present) experience as a councillor.

And, crucially, the preferred biscuit of general election candidates is the Digestive, closely followed by Hobnobs. There is a 52/48% split in favour of non-chocolate over chocolate biscuits.