The page referred to has been replaced by the Education and Engagement section of ParliNet.
There’s a useful page on the intranet (here) which tells Members and Staff how you can co-operate effectively with teachers and others working with young people. It’s part of Parliament’s Education Service and has links to a range of resources.
Here’s what it says:
The Education Service runs training events to support the teaching of political literacy and the work of Parliament in schools and informal learning organisations around the UK. These events often include talks by MPs and Peers.
Speaking to trainee teachers
Some universities accross the UK run teacher training courses that relate to Parliament, such as Modern Studies, Social Sciences or Humanities subjects. Trainee teachers on these courses can apply to spend a day in Parliament, learning more about its work and how to communicate the role of Parliament in the classroom.
If your constituents will be visiting Westminster then the Education Service will contact you in advance to give you details of the visit
Teachers’ Institute
Each year Parliament’s Education Service runs a Teachers’ Institute – a week-long intensive programme held at the Houses of Parliament. The event provides teachers and other education professionals with a more detailed understanding of how Parliament works, so they can take it back to the classroom. Teachers’ Institute is designed for teachers of Politics, General Studies, History, Citizenship, Modern Studies, Law or another Parliament-related subjects.
The programme includes Q&A sessions with members of both the House of Commons and the House of Lords. It also involves talks on specific aspects of lawmaking and democracy, and a chance to watch debates in both chambers.
Dates and details of the next Teachers’ Institute are available on the Education section of Parliament’s website
Seminar days
The Education Service also runs a series of one-day courses at the Houses of Parliament for teachers and those working with young people in other settings. These range from specialist seminars, designed for A-level teachers of Politics, to days providing a more general introduction to Parliament and democracy for those working in secondary or primary education. At each event, a member of either the House of Commons or the House of Lords is invited to give a Q&A session.
Find out more information on our website.
You can also contact us if you have a query about the Teachers’ Institute, Seminar days and other events for teachers.
Around the UK
The Education Outreach Team will also travel around the UK to deliver bespoke training sessions for teachers and education professionals in their schools, or in collaboration with other organisations working with young people.
To find out more about booking a session in your constituency, contact the Education Outreach Team on [email protected]
The home page of the Education Service on the public Parliament website is here.