We know that many of you using W4MP are university students, lecturers or tutors so here’s something from Parliament’s Outreach Service that may appeal. Full details and appropriate links can be see here but, meanwhile see the key information below.
The Houses of Parliament provides services and resources for universities across the UK.
Parliament’s Outreach Service supports lecturers and tutors to teach about the Houses of Parliament, and assists academic researchers to access information and get involved with the work and business of Parliament. The teaching and research support which we provide is outlined below.
Teaching support
- Tailored lectures and tutorials on any aspect of the work, business and procedure of the institution of Parliament, delivered at a place and time convenient for your students. To arrange a session at your university, please contact the Outreach Officer for your region.
- Open lecture series, delivered by senior figures from within Parliament, focusing on a different aspect of Parliament at each event. These lectures are free to attend but places are limited, so please book early.
- University student visits to Parliament can include talks on any aspect of the work, business and procedure of Parliament, plus watching business in the House of Commons and House of Lords.
- Teaching resources on a variety of topics, including presentations and reading lists for use in lectures and tutorials; for access to these materials, please contact Naomi Saint on the details below.
- The Training the Trainer programme for any tutors or lecturers who would like to access and deliver Parliament’s approved quality training, using comprehensive and flexible resources.
Research support
- Research briefings produced within Parliament are a valuable source of topical analysis and procedural information for researchers, students and tutors; see our advice on accessing research and information.
- Workshops for academic researchers on using research to have an impact at Parliament can be delivered at any university across the UK. To arrange a session at your university, please contact the Outreach Officer for your region.
Further information
- For more information about any of the above services, please contact Naomi Saint on [email protected] or 07917 488148.