Insurance for MPs


The House of Commons funds and administers a range of insurance policies designed to protect MPs when carrying out their Parliamentary and constituency duties.

These policies include:

  • Employers and Public Liability
  • Personal Accident
  • Travel Insurance
  • Professional Indemnity (including defamation)
  • Employment Practices Liability

The employers and public liability insurance is for constituency offices only, and covers people on work experience as well as employees.  The House of Commons, like the Civil Service, acts as its own insurer therefore no certificate or policy is available.  For further information, and to download copies of the insurance policies and certificates, please visit Insurance for Members and Members’ staff.

There is a very comprehensive guide to the insurances on Parlinet.

If a member of the public has an accident at the MP’s constituency office or at an event organised by the MP, please notify [email protected] at the earliest possible opportunity.

Contents Insurance for Constituency Offices

The House of Commons does not provide contents insurance for constituency offices.

Parliamentary IT Equipment

All Parliamentary-supplied IT Equipment is covered by the House and you do not need to include this in your office contents insurance.

Vehicle Insurance

Members and their staff are encouraged to check the provisions in their vehicle insurance.  Many policies cover commuting to only one permanent place of work, and so if you are travelling to different locations, such as advice surgeries or constituency visits, you may need to obtain comprehensive and business cover on your insurance.  The cost of vehicle insurance cannot be claimed from IPSA or the House – it is incorporated into the mileage allowance.