Foreign nationals working for MPs


The Working for an MP website receives a large number of requests from citizens of other countries for advice on who can work for an MP (or other organisations around Westminster).  We are not in a position to answer such enquiries individually, but here is some very general information.

All foreign nationals should check that they are eligible to work in the UK before applying for any positions.   Foreign nationals must have an immigration status which gives them the right to work in the UK before taking up a post.  You can see further information here: FS39-Employing-Foreign-Nationals

Parliamentary policy sets out that anyone (with very few exceptions) requiring access to the estate and/or the IT network must be, at least, CTC cleared.  To do this vetting check, Parliament needs evidence of UK residency for any 3 out of the previous 5 years.  If this is not the case, and where possible and practicable, the Team can look at alternative checks that do not disproportionately reduce levels of assurance.

Prospective employers MUST conduct employment Right to Work checks before making a job offer.  It is no longer sufficient simply to view the hard copy documents.  You MUST go to the ‘View a job applicant’s right to work details’ page on and complete the necessary process  You can view the guidance here:

The Members handbook (at page 33) adds more granularity, stating, “Until a Member (as sponsor) has been informed that security clearance has been granted for their staff member, they must not allow that person to work on the Estate or access the Parliamentary Network.  Members should also ensure all constituency staff are security cleared before they start work. This is for your own protection and the protection of others, including your staff and members of the public contacting the constituency office.”

Please note that Members of Parliament cannot sponsor visas for foreign nationals because individual persons are not eligible to be recognised as sponsors, unless they are sole traders who wish to sponsor someone to work in their business.

The rules for living and working in the UK are different for persons from the European Economic Area and Switzerland than for persons from other countries.

UK Visas and Immigration considers applications for permission to enter or stay in the UK.  General visa information for persons overseas and guidance on which visa to apply for can be found on the UK Visa and Immigration website:

Further detailed information about different types of immigration status and the conditions attached can be found on the UK Visa and Immigration website: